Have You Heard About the Different Levels of Chimney Inspections?

HomeBlogHave You Heard About the Different Levels of Chimney Inspections?

Whether you use your fireplace daily in the colder months or just a few times a year for the ambiance, having your chimney professionally inspected is crucial for its safety and performance. However, one thing you might not be familiar with is that there are three distinct levels of chimney inspections, each designed to assess different aspects of your chimney.

Have You Heard About the Different Levels of Chimney Inspections?

In this post, we’ll provide a quick breakdown of the three levels and what they entail:

  1. Level 1. This is the most common type of chimney inspection. It’s highly recommended if you use your chimney regularly, it’s in good condition, and you haven’t recently changed how you use it. A Level 1 inspection involves examining readily accessible portions of your chimney for signs of wear and tear. As the primary inspection, it should be performed annually to ensure your chimney remains in good working order.
  1. Level 2. You might need a Level 2 inspection if you’ve recently made changes to your chimney – such as installing a new fireplace insert or relining the flue — or if you suspect damage after an external event (like a storm or earthquake). This more detailed inspection also involves a video scan of the flue and other less accessible chimney areas.
  1. Level 3. A Level 3 inspection is only performed when severe damage has been uncovered during Level 1 and 2 inspections. It can be pretty invasive, often requiring the removal of certain parts of the chimney to access concealed areas. Fortunately, it’s unlikely that your chimney will need it, provided you keep up with regular maintenance and promptly address any issues identified during the other chimney inspections.

Here at The Chimney Sweep, we specialize in providing comprehensive Level 1 and 2 chimney inspections to Kernersville, North Carolina homeowners. If you’re interested in scheduling these services or learning more about our process, get in touch with us today.